Monday, October 27, 2008


....well, that's what I've been lately......weary, worn out, sick and tired, fed up, aggravated and anything else you can think of along those lines. I have felt like I don't have the energy to go on one more day. I question the "call", my motives, my ability and my "want to". Why does everthing have to be so hard - so much work? It would be a whole lot easier to be average, complacent or even down right LAZY. (I did get to enjoy a wonderful, rainy day this past Friday. I curled up on my couch under an electric blanket, read a book and watched a movie ALL DAY!!!)

I guess that reminds me, as the Bible says, that WIDE is the gate that leads to destruction and NARROW is the way to heaven and few there be that find it. My flesh can come up with every excuse to not DENY myself, take up my cross and follow Jesus. We truly are a self indulgent society - there is very little we have to "deny"ourselves of in this culture. I don't want this mentality to affect my spirituality.

I'm thankful for my brothers and sisters in Christ that "spur" me on and remind me that I MUST finish the race....and so I run, with eternity set in my heart.

2 Corinthians 4:8-10 I'm pressed but not crushed, persecuted but not abandoned, struck down but not destroyed..........

I am truly blessed. God has been so good, so faithful and so merciful to me - the very least I can do is live my life as an offering to Him.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Psalm 133 v. 1&3
"How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along! Yes, that's where God commands the blessing and ordains eternal life."

Unity is the most essential element in a successful church. Unity doesn't mean conformity - because we're not all alike. Unity is HARMONY. There is diversity in harmony. Harmony is DIFFERENT notes BLENDED together that make a more beautiful sound than one note could ever make by itself. Harmony is a hard thing to learn. For me, it's easier to sing the lead note or main melody. I have to work a little harder at harmony. Sometimes I hear the harmony without much effort and sometimes I have to work at it or memorize it until I can remember how it's done.

We have to be careful not to impose our opinions at the expense of unity. Our opinions may differ but we can still blend those different "sounds" to create a beautiful harmony that will lead our church toward DESTINY!

I believe that as sure as we have a destiny, we also have an adversary and that before the church can GO anywhere, we have to have people who will STAY somewhere. It is so much easier to run away or retreat than press through hard things. It's easier to bike downhill than uphill but God didn't ask us to take the easy way. He asks us to run the race, resist our adversary and press on toward the prize.

If you feel like you're at the end of you're rope, tie a knot in it and HANG ON~