At our last Worship Team Fellowship we were discussing Hebrews 11:6 "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for whoever comes to God must believe that He is AND that He IS a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him". After looking a little further into the meaning of the word diligent, we found that it means constant in effort, attentive, persistent, something done with painstaking effort. There is absolutely nothing casual about the word diligent. And then, my husband, who rarely says anything serious makes the most profound statement and says, "desperation makes us diligent".
I've been rolling that statement over and over in my head for several days. How very true. So often, we haphazardly take a few casual stabs at different things in our lives like losing weight, developing regular time with God, being a better husband/wife/parent, spending more time with loved ones, giving more, helping others, learning an instrument, etc. But our efforts totally change into something more direct and focused when we see things in our lives circling the drain. There is something about complete failure and desperation that leaves a person open to suggestions and most of all to God. Sadly, when our emotions settle somewhere between anger and despair, we get serious about things we should have gotten serious about a long time ago.
Recently, I lost a very special ring my husband gave me several years ago. I have turned closets and drawers upside down and clothes inside out. I have dumped out purses, shaken out rugs, looked in drains and anywhere else I could think of. I still haven't found that ring but I won't stop looking until I find it. I want to be that diligent in my search to know God. I don't just want to know ABOUT Him. I want to KNOW HIM! The Lord promises that those who seek Him with all of their hearts WILL find Him. God rewards those who make a SERIOUS SEARCH for Him.
Reading Pdf The Second Trip mobipocket PDF
4 years ago
1 comment:
Wow...that is profound. You have hit on something that has been niggling at me for a while, how much do I really, really want to know God, not about Him, but KNOW Him. My soul craves for His presence and when I have been absent, He is still right where I left off, waiting patiently like the Father He is. I want to be like the writer who said my mind is stayed on Him. Somedays that is harder than other but it should become as natural as the breath we breathe.
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