"Fighting to be different to make a difference".....Pastor Craig Crosby
"Breaking tradition to mend the broken".....Pastor Ric Edgar
I love both of these quotes. I believe tradition is ingrained in us from the time we are children and is influenced by culture, race and gender. I believe who we are, what we believe, even the way we worship is mostly learned behavior. Most people never deviate very far (at least for very long) from how they were raised. Whether you are Baptist, Pentecostal, Charismatic, Methodist or AME.....we learn how to worship (or what is acceptable in worship) by watching those around us.
Because of that, I find myself challenged in how we do church. Obviously, whatever the "church" has been doing for the last 50 years has NOT been reaching the masses; therefore, we find ourselves looking for relevant ways to reach the lost - changing the METHOD but not the MESSAGE. My prayer is that as we do that, the name of Jesus is still high and lifted up and that we remember that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world - that we shine like a city on a hill! I don't want to be the one who says "we've never done it that way before". Lord, help me keep in mind your passion for the lost and be willing to do whatever it takes to reach them.
Reading Pdf The Second Trip mobipocket PDF
4 years ago
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