Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fighting To Be Different

"Fighting to be different to make a difference".....Pastor Craig Crosby

"Breaking tradition to mend the broken".....Pastor Ric Edgar

I love both of these quotes. I believe tradition is ingrained in us from the time we are children and is influenced by culture, race and gender. I believe who we are, what we believe, even the way we worship is mostly learned behavior. Most people never deviate very far (at least for very long) from how they were raised. Whether you are Baptist, Pentecostal, Charismatic, Methodist or AME.....we learn how to worship (or what is acceptable in worship) by watching those around us.

Because of that, I find myself challenged in how we do church. Obviously, whatever the "church" has been doing for the last 50 years has NOT been reaching the masses; therefore, we find ourselves looking for relevant ways to reach the lost - changing the METHOD but not the MESSAGE. My prayer is that as we do that, the name of Jesus is still high and lifted up and that we remember that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world - that we shine like a city on a hill! I don't want to be the one who says "we've never done it that way before". Lord, help me keep in mind your passion for the lost and be willing to do whatever it takes to reach them.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Yesterday's worship time was INCREDIBLE! I am so amazed at what God is doing as well as the unbelievable people He has placed together on our team for such a time as this. I am so thankful for all of the talented singers and musicians we have and for the new people He is sending us. What an awesome privilege to be entrusted to lead this amazing group of people.

I stand in awe when I think about all of the events that have transpired in my life to bring me to this exact place at this exact time for His perfect purpose in my much that happened while I thought I was running from God. His Word clearly states that He works ALL THINGS TOGETHER for our good - not that all things are good - but that it all works together for our good. I can see that so clearly. Even in the places I was most miserable, I can see how He has used those experiences to prepare me for where I am.

I think about the precious Pastor that watched me grow in his church from the age of 13, mentored me and invested in me to be the Worship Leader I am today and the precious Pastor I currently serve under - who so believed in the call of God on my life and wouldn't let me say "no".

So much of what I do isn't even about the music (although it is a big part) but about investing in the lives of these people that I do life with. That is the biggest deal to me. Besides the musical gifts He has given me, He has truly given me a heart for people. It is the most rewarding thing to watch lives being transformed right before my very eyes - knowing that it has nothing to do WITH me but about Him working THROUGH me.

May I keep my eyes fixed on the prize and never stop running this amazing race through His amazing grace!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Are you a complainer? Complaining is so easy to see when others do it and hard to see in ourselves. What are your most common complaints? Mine seem to be mostly about the amount of work that needs to be done and not having enough time to do it, how hot it is outside, gas prices and the condition of the dirt road and how sorry our neighbors are who don't do their part to maintain their portion of it.

Philippians 2:14-15 says "Do all things without murmuring or complaining, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation...."

The strongest muscle in the human body is right behind your teeth. What we say comes straight from from the heart, pours through our lips, and sometimes damages relationships.

Being a complainer indicates that the Spirit of God is not in control because everything coming out of your mouth is from the human point of view.

According to Numbers 11:1 our complaining angers God. I believe it is because when we complain we are doubting God's character and that He is at work. By choosing to complain, we cling to the idol of a perfect life and therefore forfeit the grace and strength we need to get through whatever we are facing.

"Lord, help me to recognize complaining when I hear it. Soften my heart to what complaining means to You and to others. Protect me from being poisoned by others' words and by my own attitude. Change my attitude toward complaining. Help me to do it less and tolerate it less. Forgive me for forgetting your faithfulness to me. Stir faith in me to trust you in both good and bad.